Sci-Fi Weapon

Optimized Game Asset


  • Cinema 4D
  • Marmoset Toolbag (Baking)
  • Substance Designer (Metal Materials)
  • Substance Painter (Texturing/Rendering)
  • Rizom UV

As a personal project I wanted to use the high to low-poly pipeline to create a Sci-Fi weapon to be used in VR games. I designed the concept, modeled the high and low-poly, baked in Marmoset, created materials in Substance Designer, and textured the asset with Substance Painter. I wanted to combine a classic “futuristic from the past” point of view with modern materials. It was manufactured by a large corporation that specialized in the creation of stealth weaponry. I also chose to use Braille because the wielders of the weapons were so secretive that they had to learn it in order to use the weapon.
During the process I made a YouTube series documenting my thoughts and the process. You can check out episode 1 here:

February 2021

Original concept sketch.

In progress test in VR of the unfinished model in Unreal Engine 4.

In progress modeling the high poly.

In progress laying out UVs in Rizom UV.

In progress baking maps down for low poly in Marmoset Toolbag 3.

In progress texturing in Substance Painter.